
Factual Information About Bed Bugs Is The Most Effective Tool For Reducing Infestations

This site began in 2009 as a response to my own infestation and the lack (at the time) of a singular resource detailing effective and proven tools and techniques to get rid of bed bugs.

bed bugs stenciled on discarded mattressI began my bed bug saga not knowing bed bugs were real, note the banner on that bus “Bed Bugs Are Real,” that was my idea.

Perhaps like most visitors to this site, I was behind the learning curve and the bed bug reproductive cycle.

Having bed bugs was possibly one of the worst experiences in my life, but it is my nature to want to make lemonade out of lemons, or in this case, bed bugs so this site and a citizen’s task force on bed bugs was born.

In Portland, we are fortunate to have a supportive county Vector Control Department and when I suggested a task force of individuals, businesses and agencies, they jumped in to help bring the agencies together.

After several meetings, a work-group of city, county and metro agencies, and me the “citizen,”  began working on goals and securing funding for those goals, which included:

  • Public education and advertising about bed bugs.
  • Creating a comprehensive bed bug information section of the  Multnomah County Health Department web site.
  • Many subsidized housing agencies improved their response and protocols for treating bed bugs for their tenants.
  • Passing legislation at the state level to encourage pest control companies to provide geographic data about bed bug treatments administered.
  • Allocated funding for Aging and Disabilities service to provide bed bug preparation services to help people avoid eviction because they are unable to comply.

(updated 2021)

All of those goals were achieved and awareness was raised about bed bugs.

More effective tools and protocols were and are being used to help residents who don’t have the resources to treat and end their own infestations. However, bed bugs are still with us and there is a lot of work to be done to help control and contain them when they move in.

Yes, this site uses affiliate ads to pay for the site hosting and renewal costs and the endless hours keeping up on those wacky bed bug antics so you and I can truly sleep tight without fear.

I have used almost every product mentioned on this site and candidly mention when I didn’t. Those products helped me win my bed bug battle and it still wasn’t easy or fast, but  I’ve been bed bug free since 2009.

You can read more about the steps I took to get rid of bed bugs in my home here.

Climb-Up Insect Interceptor XL – $12.95

from: DoMyOwn.com
DoMyOwn DIY Bed Bug Control Kits